(Stormling #1)
In an age when Stormlings have only
known peacetime, one man’s desperate action threatens not only the
stability of the mystical world of Mordana, but Earth as well.
Teenager Ophelia Drewe discovers a jewel
that has been lost from its homeworld, and whilst she thinks she can
keep it, demonic forces believe otherwise.
She’s not alone, but who can she trust?
The head Stormling, Anadyr, hasn’t been to the Earth in 500 years, but
go there he must – if the jewel is not returned, it will destroy both
Ophelia’s world and his own…
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Author Interview
- Where did you come up with the inspiration behind the book?
Author Interview
- Where did you come up with the inspiration behind the book?
I thought it would be interesting to
link the two worlds, but also have a reincarnation piece where the two pivotal
characters met some time in their past, and a significant event would bring
them together again. As for direct inspirations, it has to be any fantasy book
I ever read, though Rebecca’s World by Terry Nation and Lord of the Rings by
JRR Tolkien remain as dear to me now as they were when I first read them.
I have always kept a hand written
diary, despite the modern move to make things go on-line, I suppose it was this
daily practise that helped me write other things…which would ultimately arrive
at a full length novel.
Take your pick from
JRR Tokien, Terry Nation, Daphne du Maurier, Stephen King, even Jane Austen!
As far as Stormling
is concerned, it was the early scenes with Anadyr, along with his later ones in
the book. He’s such a fascinating character to me and I would love to meet him
in real life, even though I cannot do that.
Because this is
Book One, I needed a coherent, satisfying wrap up to the story. Part of me felt
on occasion that I should borrow elements from Book Two for this….in the end I
went with my original feeling, and believe the ending Book One has, is the
right one.
I’ve never experienced this, and I
hope I never do. I can only sympathise with those who get writer’s block, and
hope they overcome it quickly. Perhaps it is the brain’s way of saying ‘take a
break from this.’
I’m working on a
novella which has a vampire storyline, and it is titled Murderous Little
Darlings. In addition there is the follow up to the paranormal horror Dark
Winter, called Dark Winter: Crescent Moon. The draft is done, I am just having
a break before doing heavy edits.
I’ve usually got
more than one book on the go at any one time. Right now it’s Stephen King’s Mr
Mercedes, Eloisa James Three Week’s With Lady X, and Anne Rice’s Lasher.
Of my own, it’s
either Anadyr from Stormling, or Toril from Dark Winter. From other
author’s…maybe Mrs Danvers from Rebecca. I would want to know why she is just
plain evil. I never get people who seem to have no redeeming qualities at all.
I would not want to be like them, just know their reasons, if any – for why
they act as they do.
Sounds twee, but
the only way books get done, is to do them. You can go on-line, join groups,
get moral support, but writing has to be done on your own. It’s probably one of
the hardest things in the world to do – to do well, I mean…but I think the
advice can be a case of, head down, no phone, no internet, lock the doors, and
get your book written.

John Hennessy
John Hennessy is a young adult / new
adult novelist whose works to date have been Dark Winter (published
2013), a paranormal horror thriller, and Stormling, an epic swords and
magic (and cookies) fantasy. The first short story he ever wrote brought
together Fagan, Lizzie Bennet, Sherlock Holmes and Dracula, which
despite impressing his long suffering English teacher, thankfully
remains unpublished. For recreation he will visit paranormal hotspots,
but prefers to write about ghosts rather than meet them. He also
believes almost any problem can be overcome so long as there is an
inexhaustible supply of tea and biscuits. He has also written the
non-fiction title The Essence of Martial Arts (published 2011), and
released The Essence of Martial Arts: Special Edition, in 2014.