I always find when I start a new story idea that the idea changes several times before I come to the one that will make up the story (which means that I'm constantly rewriting the first chapter). My new idea hasn't been any different. I wrote the first chapter, thought it was so-so, so I rewrote that... better.
Then, my mind just kept working and I've had several more ideas (lucky I haven't had time to write the chapter), but now I'm sure I've landed on the final idea that I'll be sticking with.
First idea: a girl gets accepted to a high school that is actually a reality television show.
Final idea: a girl gets into trouble with the law (actually her friend committed the crime), and she gets the ultimatum of going to juvie and having a record of the crime, or going to a behaviour management school that is actually a tv show and one of the most popular soap operas (a reality show that no one knows is actually reality... and no one knows that a bunch of delinquents are the main stars).
So, does anyone else have this problem? How many times do you rewrite the first chapter before you're happy with the direction it's going?
Celebrate the Small Things 21-2-25
21 hours ago