I know I have been absent for a while, but I have needed to work out some health issues of late and haven't been in the right mindset to blog about anything substantial. But now I'm back and ready to jump back into blogging, and writing, and just letting my creative juices fly.
Anyone that knows me is well aware that I have become obsessed with photography. These days I'm literally thinking of as many photographic ideas as I am story ideas, but don't worry, that's not getting in the road of my writing. In fact, I'm actually thinking about how I can photograph several scenes (even the covers) of the stories I'm writing.

One thing that I'm learning from being behind the lens, as opposed to just writing out the words to describe a scene, is that not everything will turn out as expected. Yeah, I can write a scene and mold the words to fit the story in my head, but sometimes for photography the picture in my head does not even come close to matching the final outcome. There are lots of obstacles that can occur when trying to create a piece of art through the lens, whether it be the sun (yep, the damn sun coming out and ruining the shot), limited props, location or even some things might be an impossible feat. Where it's easy to write about someone walking on the roof, it's a totally different thing when trying to photograph it, still mucking around with trying to get the right angles of the model's hair and movement.

The above image is one that really didn't turn out like how I pictured. For one, we were meant to find the ocean baths to fully submerge the model in water, but didn't feel like lugging all the equipment down all the stairs in the midday heatwave. Two, the damn sun. Yeah, I didn't check that my shadow wasn't in the picture before calling it a day. The editing of this photo made me one very proud girl as it was the first intensive Photoshop experiment and I was happy to be able to remove the shadow from the picture (even if I'm the only one that likes it).
Things might not turn out as expected, but it's always good to try and put a positive spin on what you have and perhaps it will turn into a good thing. Well, I'm out of here for the night, but don't worry, you'll be seeing me around a lot more, with a lot more images, and a lot more stories as my brother and I continue working into the new year to bring you more stories.
How do you turn unexpected things into positives? Do you have any hobbies or skills that you are proud of?