Friday, October 29, 2010

What makes a tradition?

All my life I have watched American movies and shows celebrate Halloween, but Australia has never celebrated it. This year seems to be something different. Every store has Halloween decorations (even selling carving pumpkins... I didn't even know there were such things as carving pumpkins), there's more costumes and they are even putting out candy purely for trick or treating.

I'm all for Halloween (I have secretly been envious that we didn't celebrate it so I could dress up and go trick or treating), but when Halloween night comes around I haven't been raised with the tradition of buying candy to hand out, and I wouldn't have any readily available.

Me, I don't think I have to worry about offending any one who's expecting candy at our place. I'm going to be out all day with either work or meeting up with the Brisbanites for our Nano Kick off Party, followed by a long night of fright at Movie World.

In any case, I wish everyone a Happy Halloween whether you celebrate it or not.

So, here's my question: how hard is it to bring in a new (but popular) tradition, and should everyone be expected to follow that tradition? And, especially for those that do celebrate Halloween, if you didn't grow up celebrating it, would you be obliged to stock up with candy just in case anyone does come knocking?


dolorah said...

Good luck with NaNo Cheree.

Yes, I bought candy just in case, but I don't get many kids at my apartment. Just as well; I love all the spookiness of this season, but no into trick-or-treat concept.

Have a good night.


Roland D. Yeomans said...

Good luck with NaNo, too.

Family traditions are easier to bring to life than national ones. Those have to catch on in the nation's psyche for it to happen.

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