Mothman is the descriptive name given to a West Virginia cryptid said to be a grayish-brown 7-foot tall half-human half-bird with enormous wings that resembled those of a moth and glowing red eyes that terrified those who saw it. The creature did not have a discernible head; its frightening eyes were located near its “shoulders.” Its wings did not flap or move, although it could reach racing speed; it had two human-like legs, and it occasionally emitted a shriek, reportedly similar to a woman screaming.
Mothman is a legendary creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia from 15 November 1966 to 15 December 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register dated 16 November 1966, entitled "Couples See Man-Sized Bird...Creature...Something". There were no Mothman reports in the immediate aftermath of the December 15, 1967 collapse of the Silver Bridge and the death of 46 people, giving rise to legends that the Mothman sightings and the bridge collapse were connected.
Several hypotheses propose that the Mothman creature was really just a case of misidentification. One theory is that the creature may have been a sandhill crane, a bird that can be up to 6 feet tall with a 10-foot wingspan that glides thought the air with its wings still for long distances and can emit a loud cry. Others suggest that Mothman could really have been a type of large owl; a large bird that had mutated due to the effects of the toxic waste dump created by the now off-limits West Virginia Ordnance Works; or even a huge turkey vulture.
IWSG: March 2025
2 days ago
Was there a movie on this called Mothman Prophecies? I feel like I saw it and it was meh, but the actual legend sounds cool.
Like Libby, I seem to remember a movie about a mothman. Anyway, that pic looks creepy.
After reading about it, I guess it inspired the movie The Mothman Prophecies, including the bridge.
Mothman lore is interesting. Point Pleasant even holds the Mothman Festival every year.
Dude, this guy looks scary!
I love learning about all these mythical creatures! Never heard of Mothman before, great post :)
Great local legends! We have the Wolf-Boy of Luther. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month. My alphabet is at
That's kinda creepy. Imagine seeing it some night? Yikes!
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