Friday, March 15, 2013

Feature & Follow #2

Follow & Feature is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read.

The rules are simple enough:
  1. Follow the hosts (check – check) 
  2. Follow the Featured Blog (check)
  3. Link back in a feature and follow post of your own  
  4. Sign up on the linky linky thing. Visit a few blogs. Follow a couple of other ones – be sure to let them know you did! 
  5. Answer the question posted on the host site 
  6. Always remember to follow back if someone followed you. Don’t be rude now!

This weeks Question:

Q: Activity! Hopefully warm weather for most of us is here soon…so tell us about your favorite outdoor reading spot. Or take a picture.

Well, here it's actually still hot, but I'm not expecting that's going to last much longer with winter just around the corner. But, anywhere that's secluded with a nice bit of shade. I live in the country so I have plenty of nice, serene parks and landscapes to have a great escape if I need to get out while reading. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the place at the moment to show.

Where do you like to go to read? Where's your favourite reading spot? Are you an outdoor reader or an indoor reader?


Lectus said...

Hi! If you don't live in the city any outside spot should be nice.

New follower.- This is my FF

The Readdicts said...

Wow, reading in a nice shady park sounds so nice. In India, that's impossible because there are people everywhere you go! :P I would have loved to see pics, but it's fine. :)

New follower!

Thanks for stopping by my F&FF earlier.

Happy reading and have a great weekend!

Sarika @ The Readdicts

Unknown said...

That's awesome you have alot of parks to read in! I like to go to parks and read when the weather is just turning nice. After that, well. I'm afraid of the bees. LOL.

Old Follower


Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

The Wide-Eyed Bibliophile said...

Great post! :)

I'm a new follower! :)

Check my FF here: Bookworm Diaries FF #2

theyabookworm said...

Might have to try giving my park a shot next time I have the urge to read outside! New GFC Follower :)

~Caitlin @ The Y.A. Bookworm Blogger
My #FF

Unknown said...

I love your blog design! It is winter here wher I am, you must be on the other side! Thanks for the follow and follow you back!

Eva @ All Books Considered said...

jealous of the heat!

new follower


Eva @ All Books Considered

Seirra Poirier said...

I totally agree I think anywhere quiet where you can just dive into your book without interruptions make the best reading places. Unfortunately I don't live by any parks where I can read so you're very lucky! & Where I live we're at the end stages of winter! Nice FF post!!

New GFC Follower :)

-Seirra @ Dear, Restless Reader

Unknown said...

I'm also at the end of summer - in every possible way. Roll on winter! I don't read outside much. Prefer the comfort of being in doors. Happy to follow your blog by GFC. You can find me at:

Unknown said...

Oh yes I can't wait to read outdoors! And the place where you live sounds amazing! :)
I am now a new follower :)

My FF:)

Florentine @ Readiculously Peachy

Michelles Paranormal Vault Of Books said...

thanks for stopping by, I am following you back, and i love your blog!

Alyssa said...

I actually want to live in the country fora bit, because I've lived in the suburbs for my entire life. Sounds nice! :D

Thanks for visiting my blog! I've followed back via GFC :)

Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

Alise said...

I always found it amazing how it can be almost winter there, and almost summer here!

New GFC follower.

Alise @ Readers In Wonderland

Anonymous said...

New follower! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you have a great weekend. I may have to try reading a local park sometime.

Unknown said...

I've never read at a park, but sure need to give it a try one.
New GFC Follower

Thanks for following

Chyna said...

I've never read in a part either since I hate outdoors

new follower


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InkkReviews said...

wow. well enjoy the summer while you still have it, Im so glad im almost done with it. I too like to take in a great scenery or lovely weather while reading too! thanks for checking out my FF , new GFC Follower! - Katie @ Inkk

Unknown said...

great blog! :)

new follower.

Unknown said...

This looks like a cool hop -- but I'm a little too hoppity about blogs right now, need to slow down and breathe. Thanks for sharing this, and I'm doing the follows without signing up.

Naomi Hop said...

It's starting to cool abit now, isn't it!! I'm a bit over summer!

Thanx for visiting my FF!
Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace
New Follower :)

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