Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Trivia Tuesday

I was listening to the radio the other day and they had a segment called "Bottle cap trivia" and I thought that there's so many useless information out there that people absorb on a daily basis, and for some reason people love learning new tidbits of trivia. So, I'll be dedicating Tuesdays to scouring the globe (well, actually the internet) in search of new pieces of juicy information.

Today's trivia is dedicated to writing... I just thought that would be something interesting.

So,  did you find any of these interesting? What other pieces of trivia would you like to find out? I'm sure with the magical means of Google I can find out anything.


Anonymous said...

20,000 a day in the US or the world? Either way, that's great!

ali cross said...

What a fun idea! And 20,000 books a day just boggled my mind. Wow. ♥

lisa and laura said...

Wowsers--20,000 books a day? That's insane!

Unknown said...

I know. I think it's worldwide, but still, it's a lot.

Kerri Cuev said...

20,000 yea there is hope!

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