Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Camp NanoWriMo

Okay, this is kind of a spur of a moment thing (seriously spur of a moment thing as in signed up yesterday), but I decided participating in another NanoWriMo. I have decided that I need to get a fire placed beneath me so that I will finish writing some of my story ideas. Camp Nano isn't like the Nano in November. You can actually choose how many words you will be writing and I have chosen to be venturous (which will probably fail horribly with all the promotion I need to do for Shadow Embrace's release at the end of the month) and write 70k.

I think giving myself a deadline like this is a fantastic way to motivate me to complete those novels and get other manuscripts ready.

Do you write best with a deadline? Do deadlines work? Let me know if you're participating in Camp Nano.


Jenn said...

I'm participating this year! :) Looking at my calendar I'm not sure I'll meet my word count goal, but I know I'll write more by participating than if I don't. :)

Krista McLaughlin said...

I write best with a deadline too - good luck! :)

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